Welcome to Taktak

Taktak is an innovative donation solution that engages users and allows the beneficiaries to join forces through a dynamic revenue-share option.

The tool will trigger donations on a per-article basis, with the possibility for the revenue to be split between journalists and publishers, with tools that allow the reader to choose the share for each party.

Key Features of Taktak

Discover the unique aspects that make Taktak the ideal tool for supporting online journalism.

Direct Reader Support

Per-Article Donations

Europe Wide Reach

The partners behind Taktak

Join the Taktak movement

The Taktak solution aims to augment your income-per-article.

You are free to donate the amount of your choice to an article that you liked! Pay as you read and as you want!

As representatives of the media sector, we have the same objectives: finding new tools for the future sustainability of media and enabling good quality journalism.

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